Publication Credits

Here is a list of publications where my poems, stories, and essays have appeared (for books, please see my "Books" page). Please note that this is a partial and growing list.


Albany Poets - My column The Bookshop Hunter appears alongside other literary columns, event notices, poetry, and more, all focused on the Albany, NY region.

American Artist magazine - I wrote feature articles on historical art movements and interviews with contemporary artists from early 2011 to late 2012.

Artist Daily - Blog posts about art news and artist interviews, including one about artist Greg Manchess.

The Blue Mountain Review - I write a semi-regular column about the writing life and community, and how to enliven both.

Cafeína Literária - A Brazilian literary website where some of my writing advice articles have also appeared as re-prints.

Drunk Monkeys - A culture website that has featured a few of my 100-word film reviews, mostly for noir-themed or inspired films.

FIVE:2:ONE - A literary site the features my bi-monthly column, The Bookshop Hunter.

Writer’s Digest Editor’s Blog: There Are No Rules - Dozens of my essays, interviews, and articles on writing advice appear at this Writer's Digest blog.


Apt (Aforementioned Productions) - "The Toybox"

Drunk Monkeys - "Long Road to Luckenbach," "The Philanthropist", "I'm Not Doing Coke Off That Dog's Back"

Full of Crow - "Desperate Ain't Lonely"

Indigent Press - "Two Kings"

Ink In Thirds - "Thompson Hill"

Lonesome October Lit - "Jimmy's Going Places," “Widow’s Watch”

Nixes Mate Review - "Cold Beer - Cheap Rooms"

Pulp Modern - "The Nature of the Game"

Red Fez - “The Poison and the Pain”

South Broadway Ghost Society - “Hopper House”

Unknown Press / "Too Much" Anthology - "The Rube" 

Up the Staircase Quarterly - "The Black Eye"


3:AM Magazine - "Layer of Rain," "Gideon Was Here"

The Aurorean - "Ties," "Everything and the Hourglass," "Something Borrowed, Something Blue," "The Best Part" (also selected for their Best of the First 15 Years Anthology)

Bare Hands Poetry - "Ruby Hope of You"

The Battered Suitcase (Vagabondage Press) - "Punching Bag"

The Bicycle Review - "Seasick on 46th" (poem of the week)

Black Words On White Paper - "Where the Sun Don't Shine"

The Blue Hour Anthology - "Living with Songbirds," "Sunday May," "Badlands"

Blue Lake Review - "Paper Pigeon"

Blue Lotus Review - "The Old Man and the See"

The Blue Mountain Review - "How to Read the Braille of Your Heartstrings," "Having Come Down the Mountain," "dawn and the empty bottle of wine"

Boned - "Going Ghost," "Dry Tide"

Breadcrumb Scabs - "Send Yourself to Me"

Calliope Nerve - "String-and-Can Telephone," "Chained Like Beasts to the Jungle," "Say Chico, Got a Light?"

Capital Region Poets Magazine - "Mind the Gap"

Carcinogenic Poetry - "Dust Motes of the Universe," "Men," "Sleep Tight," "Kentucky Gentleman," "The Owls," "Norway," "Whiffs of Sulfur," "Men of Karma"

Carnival - "Wailing the Lights Fantastic," "The Chalet by the River"

Change Seven Magazine - "Death Row Escape," "It's Only Temporary," "The Good Fresh Kind"

Citizens for Decent Literature - "End-Times"

Clockwise Cat - "Needless Markups," "Slow Retreat Home," "Playing God in the Only Place Left on Earth," "Yellow Birds," "They Come in the Night" 

Covert Poetics - "Hell's Half-Acre"

Dark Party Review - "My Intern"

decomP - "Rewriting Our Novel, Word by Word"

decompression - "Cue the Music," "Samantha," "Rhode Island," "Much Less," "Sub Rosa," "Witness"

drown in my own fears - "Dash Lights and Static," "Against the Skin," "Neither Mine, Neither Yours," "The Two Loves of Lazarus," "Twine of Beaten Love"

Drunk Monkeys - "Hunger"

Durable Goods - "The Pageant" (translated into French)

Every Day Poets - "Warm Silk"

Eviscerator Heaven - "A Debt Paid," "Dead Walk," "Hollow Out Their Bones"

Five 2 One - "Nights Don't Die"

Foliate Oak Literary Magazine - "Redemption on Track 34," "Speed Dating," "The Long County," "Wilting Flowers at Night," "Stop Calling Me After Midnight," “My Ex’s Father”

Free Lit Mag - "September in the Attic" 

Front Porch Review - "The Elm at Rhoederick Farm," "Even the Immortals Know"

Full of Crow - "Panhandle Nocturne"

The Gap-Toothed Madness - "San Jacinto Motor Inn, 11:27 a.m."

Ghost City Review - "hidden by the smell of flowers"

Glass: A Journal of Poetry - "Slainte"

Gloom Cupboard - "Astral Graveyard Loneliness," "Past, Present, Yet to Come"

Gutter Eloquence Magazine (Print and Online) - "That Singular Brand," "Watching Manchester," "Dead Fish Wallets," "Box Street Blues," "Parlance Impass," "Elephant Bones," "The Pitter-Patter of Bone White Feet," "Shakedown Blues," "War on Parade," "Deaf & Dying,"" Some Evil," "Twins," "Mecca," "On Waking in Queens," "Tinker Toys & Poison," "Never Worse Off Alone," "I Will Hang Up When I Do"

Haggard & Halloo - "Our Foreman at Blanco Tavern," "Goodbye 57th Street"

Haunted Waters Press - "Widow's Watch" (18-word poem/story)

Heroin Love Songs - "A Stain in the Dirt," "Dutch"

H.O.D. (A Handful of Dust) - "Letters," "Mack and the Boys"

The Homestead Review - "The Comforts of History"

Hudson Valley Writers Guild - “The Ocean’s Graveyard,” “Morris Street #1,” “Single Family Ranch,” “Blink with Fire”

Idiom Magazine - "Waiting for the Artist to Arrive," "No Sunday Delivery"

Jones AV - "Burial," "A Star is Stillborn," "Waxing & Waning," "Rhode Island Love Affair"

Kleft Jaw - "Thursday at the Dirty Fox," "Alone With the Crops," "Three Bookmarks," "Last Appointment of the Day," "Assurance," "$10,000," "Lo Cool, 69 Degrees"

Lonesome October Lit - "Prayers from Dunwich," "The Incident at Choke Cherry Farm," "Long Before Twilight," "The Guest Room Closet"

Love Notes (Vagabondage Press) - "No First Kiss"

Marble Poetry - "The Postcard"

Picaroon Poetry - "The Old Note Book," "Feral Kingdom," "The Mice have Abandoned the Woodpile"

Pine Hills Review - "How to Watch John Ashbery Read Poetry" 

Plainsongs - "All I Know of Karma"

Plain Spoke - "Lay of the Land"

Poetry Salzburg Review - "Four Corner Casuals"

Psychic Meatloaf - "Heart-Shaped Rocks"

Punch Drunk Press - "West Texas Skyway," "We'll Take a Trip to See"

Red Fez Publications - "Single Malt Scotch," "Jazz is Dead," "Desolation 2 a.m.," "Devonshire Street," "Dust on the Fly," "N-Train Hymnal," "The Carnival," "Help me Drown the Moonlight," "Where Paupers Sleep Like Kings," "Red Flag," "No Harvest", "Nothing Else and You" 

Reed Magazine - "Until We Meet Again"

Revolution John - "Poetry Boneyard"

Riverbabble - "I'll Drink You Down at Dawn," "Burning in the Freeze"

Rufous City Review - "The Right Arm"

Rusty Truck Press - “Queen of the Night Cactus,” “Padre Island,” “sometimes you eat the bar and soemtimes the bar eats you”

Rye Whiskey Review - “You Don’t Have to go Home But You Can’t Stay Here”

San Antonio Review - “Sanctuary”

San Pedro River Review - The Loathful Part of Town," "View the Idle Cat," "Caramelized Moonlight," "East Cavallos Street," “A Sunday Like This” 

See Spot Run - "Midtown Tapestry," "The Only Eye of the Stray Dog"

Side of Grits - "Maybe a Bird Will Sing" 

Slipstream - "Hung Jury"

Stepping Stones Magazine - "Faithless"

The Stray Branch - "You can't flush some things away," "These could be the good old days"

Thick With Conviction - "Room 278," "The Young of Stray Dogs," "Death & Distance," "One Last Thing to Do," "You May Have Noticed," "Dirty Fingernails," "Echo and Waltz," "A Single Magic," "Let's Agree to Never Dream Again," "Midnight Postage," "Night Driving," "Goodnight, Sweet Bird," "Juleps," "Want It Now Like Never," "My Gratitude," "Hotmail"   

Tipton Poetry Journal - "Blue Cat," "Darwin is Dead, Too"

The Toronto Quarterly Review - "Fresher Diamonds"

Trailer Park Quarterly - "Roll in the Hay," "We The Faithful," “Unordered List of Things That Remain” 

Turbulence - "Secrets"

Underground Voices - "The Captain," "The Rotting Stage," "Another Op Goes Down," "A Walk to the River at Night"

Unshod Quills - "Where we are and where we might go," "When Thunder Follows the Light," "Help Me Drown the Moonlight," "You Love to Count the Rings," "Reflections," "12 Gauges of Remorse"

Up The Staircase - "The Best Way to Catch a Dagger...," "Runaround Sue," "Rubberneck," "Exposed Brick in Candlelight," "Under the Bridge" 

Void Magazine - "November"

vox poetica - "Final Fireflies," "Silver Owls," "Red Tulip," "The Reservoir" 

Ward 6 Review - "First Page of a Recent Book"

WineDrunk Sidewalk - "The Carson Effect", "The Young May Love Without Fear," "Last Cigarette," "Omens," "Rusted Ghosts of Sidewalk Town," "Soft White Infinity," “Feast”

Yellow Chair Review - "Slaves of Some Strange God"

Zygote In My Coffee - "The Greatest Star of All," "The Joke's On Us," "Abe Lincoln, Abe Lincoln"