(Photo from the Avid Bookshop website.)
Clifford Brooks is a poet, teacher, and one of the founders of The Southern Collective Experience, an organization that has always been supportive of my own creative projects, and so I wanted to loop Cliff in to my bookshop interview series to pick his brain and see which shop tops his own list of favorites.
Favorite Bookshop: Avid Bookshop (Athens, Georgia)
1. How did you discover the shop?
The launch, and my first reading - ever, of my book, The Draw of Broken Eyes & Whirling Metaphysics.
2. What part of the shop is your favorite? Give us a walkthrough of what it's like to browse around at Avid Bookshop.
The poetry section is my favorite. It is not a sliver of one shelf, but generously represented. The location close to my heart has large windows in front, an open, airy interior, large enough for room to casually browse, but small enough for that total literary experience we bibliophiles need to get our fix.
3. What books have you bought there in the past?
Selected Works of Robert Pinsky, several novels by Pat Conroy, All Over But the Shoutin’ by Rick Bragg, the Collected Work of Rilke, and the Collected Work of Edna St. Vincent Millay.
4. What is it about Avid Bookshop that makes you love it? What really sets it apart?
The knowledgeable staff, the space they give you, closeness to The Grit, and comprehensive stock. What sets it apart is the business model and philosophy that makes them thrive as an independent bookstore.
For more about Cliff and his work, visit his Facebook page.